Customs and Excise Duty and Anti-Dumping Duty.
SKS works with clients to minimise the value for duty of imported goods by examination, analysis and structuring of various elements of the import transaction.
Constructive Approach to Customs and Excise Duty
Customs and Excise duties including Anti-Dumping Duty are a tax on imports and a significant cost to businesses involved in international trade. Paying more than is due directly affects profitability. The exposure of a business to customs duty can be reduced by employing legitimate planning techniques that can eliminate, reduce or defer duty. Such a constructive approach to customs planning can result in a competitive advantage.
Reductions in Customs and Excise Duty
Depending on the business and its structure, by astute and considered planning, reductions can be made in import costs. The amount of duty due is based on four criteria, classification of goods, origin of goods, type of transaction and what happens to the goods once imported. Savings can be made in each of these four areas.
Substantial and Sustainable
SKS helps businesses reduce their duty liability, ensuring any duty planning meets Customs’ requirements, is compliant with Customs regulations, and the savings made are substantial and sustainable. SKS also provides assistance to businesses seeking to attain AEO status.
To discuss how we can help you please contact us.